ComplexCore – Stabilization by Activity
In the area of sports and health, everyone pursues their individual goals as physical fitness, injury prevention, athletic performance or simply physical well-being. Depending on the training goal, the training content can differ significantly and needs a well thought through concept and approach.
ComplexCore CONCEPT
ComplexCore offers a comprehensive approach to training and therapy.
A comprehensive training approach for the core, upper and lower extremities requires structured and targeted forms of exercise. ComplexCore provides support through the physical screening, planning and the selection of targeted exercises for training and therapy. It is designed for coaches and physiotherapists and anyone interested in activity and is oriented to support clients, patients, recreational athletes, or elite level athletes.
ComplexCore seminars and workshops cover our core topics with mobility, flexibility and stability as well as specific topics in training and therapy with referring exercises.
Our ComplexCore team supports athletes and teams on different performance levels with basic and/or sports specific screenings, training recommendations and trainings on-site.
We have made it our goal to offer companies and their employees professional and individual support – through education, regular physical screenings and recommendations for activity and health.